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Engineering Checklist

This checklist helps to ensure that projects meet our Engineering Standards.

Source Control

  • No direct commit onto the main branch and is locked.
  • Merge to the main branch are done through Pull Requests or Merge Requests.
  • Create branches related to work items being worked on.
  • Always commit with messages that are meaningful and informative.
  • Always maintian README file that provides clear documentation of repository.

Story/Task Tracking

  • All items are tracked in Jira or similar software
  • The tasks on Jira board should always reflect the current status.


  • Unit tests cover the majority of all components (>80% if possible).
  • Integration tests run to test the solution e2e.


  • Project runs CI with automated build and test on each Merge Request.
  • Project uses CD to manage deployments to an environment.
  • Always maintain that the code in Main branch is always shippable.


  • Secrets are stored in secured locations such as vault and not checked in to code.
  • Data is encrypted in transit (and if necessary at rest) and passwords are hashed.
  • Access is only granted on an as needed bases if possible temporarily.


  • Scrum Master runs the daily standup
  • The agile process is clearly defined within team.
  • The Screum Team is responsible for backlog management and refinement.
  • A working agreement is established between team members and customer.

Code Reviews

  • There is a clear agreement in the team as to function of code reviews.
  • The team has a code review checklist or established process.
  • A minimum number of reviewers (usually 2) for a Merge Request is enforced by policy.
  • Linters/Code Analyzers, unit tests and successful builds for Merge Request are set up.
  • There is a process to enforce a quick review turnaround.


  • Retrospectives are conducted at the end of each sprint.
  • The team identifies 1-3 proposed experiments to try each week/sprint to improve the process.
  • The team conducts longer retrospective for Milestones and project completion.