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Table of contents

  1. Team Manifesto
    1. Sample Manifesto
  2. Definition of Ready
    1. Sample Checklist
  3. Definition of Done
    1. Sample Checklist

Team Manifesto

A social contract among your team members which contain a set of norms, values and behaviors that forms a solid ground for collaboration within your team. It highlights

  • Behaviors that embody your shared team values and purpose
  • How you work together
  • What you do and do not stand for
  • How you hold each other accountable to remain a united front

Sample Manifesto

Definition of Ready

Definition of Ready describes the requirements that must be met in order for a story to move from the backlog to development or Simply stated, the Definition of Ready defines the criteria that a specific user story has to meet before being considered for estimation or inclusion into a sprint.

Note: If a user story is not Ready in the beginning of the Sprint it increases the chance that the story will not be done at the end of this sprint.

Sample Checklist

  • User Story is defined and clear.
  • User Story is feasible & testable
  • User Story Acceptance Criteria defined
  • User Story dependencies identified
  • User Story sized by Development Team
  • Scrum Team accepts User Experience artefacts
  • Performance criteria identified, where appropriate
  • Scalability criteria identified, where appropriate
  • Security criteria identified, where appropriate
  • Person who will accept the User Story is identified
  • Team has a good idea what it will mean to Demo the User Story

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done is an agreement between Development Team and the Product Owner on what needs to be completed for each user story – and it is often standardized across the company in order to guarantee consistent delivery of quality.

To close a user story, or a sprint it is important to verify that the tasks are complete. The development team should decide together what their Definition of Done is and document this in the project.

Sample Checklist

  • Code produced (all ‘to do’ items in code completed)
  • Code commented, checked in and run against current version in source control
  • Peer reviewed (or produced with pair programming) and meeting development standards
  • Builds without errors
  • Unit tests written and passing
  • Deployed to system test environment and passed system tests
  • Passed UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and signed off as meeting requirements
  • Any build / deployment / configuration changes are implemented / documented / communicated
  • Relevant documentation / diagrams produced and / or updated
  • Remaining hours for task set to zero and task closed